For the past six years, Solomon Islands Tobacco Company (SITCO) has been a dedicated supporter of the “SEB Youth Training program”.
In 2006 SEB realized there was a great need in the community for training in the field of Urban Beautification through Environmentally enhanced programs.
In discussion with TAFE Queensland, the training materials for the program were developed.
Since that time (except for a two year break, when the SEB moved from the Botanical Gardens to its present site at Ranandi) the teaching and training of young people has continued.
Today, there are over 565 graduates in the horticulture program with the advanced course level 2 being introduced two years ago.
This year, level three training was introduced and the 14 graduates received their certificates in July this year.
SEB acknowledged the services of two Australian Volunteers who have taken the training of the youth to these advanced levels.
Mr Dan Austin and Ms Danielle Shallow worked closely with SEB trainer Juanita Paige who is a SINU graduate in tropical agriculture.
None of this valuable work or training would have been made possible without the continual support from the Board and Management of SITCO.
The Chairperson of SEB Keithie Saunders together with Executive manager Tiffany Tena met with the General Manager of SITCO Shushendra Singh and SITCO Staff.
Mr. Singh handed over a cheque of $230, 000 to SEB for the next twelve months training program support.
The money will go to continue training of unemployed youth and taking trained youth through to the advance courses.
Mr Shushendra Singh said that SITCO, as good corporate citizens was proud to support the work of SEB.
Since the inception of SEB in 1998, SITCO have supported the program in various ways – the initial palms in the middle of the road, the planter boxes with bougainvillea, and most recently in the last five years, the training program.
Mr Singh stated “Giving the young people another chance by training as gardeners and landscape designers is why SITCO supports the training program”.
“This offers young people a better chance to obtain work or start their own business.”
SEB is grateful with SITCO for their support over the years and deeply appreciated the recent training grant.