The Solomon Islands Government wishes to clarify the misleading statement contained in the Solomon Star and Island Sun Newspapers published on 19th June 2020.
In a statement issued on Friday, the Solomon Islands Government would like to clarify its position with regards to the suspension of the Vice Chancellor and President Professor Pal Ahluwalia.
The Government acknowledges that Solomon Islands was part of the initial decision made at the Executive Committee to suspend Professor Pal Ahluwalia which was made at the time based on material and advice available at that time.
Since the decision, SIG has been furnished with new information and advice and is now reviewing its initial position.
The SIG now sees the suspension of the Professor as a breach of the University Statutes and its Regulations.
In view of the new position by Solomon Islands Government, the Solomon Islands Government now supports the call for the convening of the USP Council meeting
“The Solomon Islands Government further notes that the USP Council had deliberated on the BDO report at its August 2019 Meeting where it commissioned and mandated a three person Commission to oversee the implementation of the recommendations presented by the BDO report.”
The Solomon Islands Government further requests the 3 person Commission to complete its mandate and to present a status report on the implementation and recommendation of the BDO Report to the USP Council.
The Solomon Islands Government will also be requesting the USP Council to commission an independent investigation into this whole USP Governance and Management Crisis and agrees to support a consensus among USP Member countries on the most appropriate way forward.
Solomon Islands Government calls on the collective wisdom of the USP Council to address this matter in the most expeditious manner.
Solomon Islands Government has mandated the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) through its Minister to convey the SIG position on USP Governance Management crisis to the Council.