THE Honiara South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC) youth association is looking to build a youth centre in Honiara soon.
The youth Coordinator Freddie Luiramo told the Solomon Star that funding for this plan is in the pipeline.
“Honiara SSEC youth association has about 40 youth groups so this youth centre should in the best interest for them to organize youth activities,” Mr Luiramo said.
He added they are looking at building a hall and recreation mainly for youth activities.
“We have big number of youth ministries but venue to organize activities for them is a long time problem that needs solution.
“Therefore this plan is meanly to deal with this problem,” Mr Luiramo said.
He added that at the moment negotiation for land area is underway so hopefully the plan will be implemented soon.
“Just keep on praying for this plan so that God will help to accomplish his purpose on this earth,” he said.
The association has youth ministries starting from Aruligo in west Guadalcanal to Henderson in east Honiara and to Ngella.