AT a special assembly on Friday 06th June, the grade four students from Woodford International School presented a cheque of $22, 086 to World Vision on behalf of the school towards the April Floods disaster.
Zoe Terrill, year 4 student representative, said the grade four students raised the money through a 24 hour famine to help them understand what it is like to be starving and to know how to raise money for the poor and vulnerable.
“We decided to take this action because it is linked to our unit of inquiry -‘People create and innovate to increase food production’,” says Zoe.
“Also we wanted to experience how it is to be hungry.”
Students have completed a unit on ‘People create and innovate to increase food production which has inspired many children to take action and support the flood response efforts.
Kaley Shortus, a year 5 student, also raised $500 through a similar activity which she donated to World Vision last month.
Grade four teacher, Fiona Maelasi, said students are taking what they have learnt and have come up with creative ways to take action and create change.
“It’s exciting to see that the kids are starting to take action,” says Mrs. Maelasi.
World Vision Grants Officer, Simon Daly, thanked the grade four’s for being so brave to do the 24 hour famine and praised them for taking action to help those in need.
He also thanked the entire Woodford Community for their support to World Vision’s flood response.
“Thank you for the funds raised towards the flood response. The people who have been affected by the floods will benefit from this money,” says Simon.
“It is great to see you taking action to create change. World Vision will use this money to purchase more items that will help people affected by flood recover and get back to normal lives.”