Rev-Ben Hageria Memorial School in Isabel province successful staged a reading program called “Bibliobattle” last Friday.
Bibliobattle is a reading program promoted by JICA volunteer Hirofumi Masui working under the Isabel Education Authority.
It is a simple book review game. Some players talk about their favorite book for 5 minutes, then a winner is decided by vote.
On Friday students from grade4 to 6 played the game.
Five 5 books were discussed, and “Tome’s fish” gathered 26 votes and won.
In Isabel province, this reading program was held in 6 schools until now.
Mr Hirofumi said “Literacy is the basis of education. If teachers do Bibliobattle in classes repeatedly, students can not only read a lot of books but also be trained skills on speech and discussion.
“I hope all schools in Solomon Islands introduce Bibliobattle”
For more information about this game contact Hirofumi Masui Tel: 7560301 email: [email protected]