MALAITA Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani continues to remind the national government and the leaders of the country to be wise and transparent in the use of the funds acquired through loan during this current health crisis.
Suidani reminded the government after he acknowledged the Government and people of Japan for the loan of SBD190 million to help Solomon Islands development amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
“In tough times like this when peoples’ trust in the government and its institutions is diminishing.
“The right thing to do is not only to clearly inform the people on how the funds from the loan will be used for COVID 19,” he said in a statement.
He further urged the government to also provide clearer, transparent, and fairer mechanisms through which the funds from the loans are to be utilized.
It was understood that Suidani made this as a reminder and in hindsight of the public criticisms leveled against the government in its handling of recent funding that was made in the name of COVID 19 economic recovery.
“The new normal under COVID 19 calls for new attitudes in managing the affairs of the country including these funding from our friends.
“Any economic recovery is meaningless if our overall national attitude towards the utilization of support from our friends has not changed.
“Whatever pressures there are whether be it political, economic, and social the bottom line is as leaders we must go back to our national motto. ‘TO LEAD IS TO SERVE.’
“No doubt what the founding fathers of our country meant is to be SERVANT LEADERS, that is to say leading from a desire to serve others and to do so without the desire to attain more power,” he said.
Meanwhile, this paper also receives numerous calls urging the government to be open and transparent when dealing with COVID-19 funds.
It is also understood that last week, the World Bank approved a US$5 million (SBD$40m) emergency project for the Solomon Islands to support the country’s COVID-19 preparation and response while also strengthening critical health systems.