The Malaita Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani has cleared rumors stating outside agents are supporting him to win the motion of no confidence on the floor of the Malaita Provincial Assembly last week on Tuesday.
Premier Suidani’s defeat of the motion of no confidence set to oust him last week with an overwhelming victory of 24-9 vote has triggered those who work against him to spread unsound rumors about the Malaita outspoken Premier.
One of many rumors spread was outside agents financially supported Premier Suidani and his team to defeat the motion of no confidence.
When the matter was brought to the premier’s attention he publicly rebuked the rumors by saying the motion was defeated based on the willingness of the MPAs to uphold what is right for Malaita Province and not money from outside agents as claimed.
“The MARA government wants to send a clear message to those that still believe in money politics that MARA is about doing what is right for the people and not about private gains.
“If you think your money can break the bond of unity amongst the members of the MARA government then you are wrong.
“How long must we entertain such devilish practices to the detriment of our people?
“Malaita province cannot develop if you still hold on to the bad practices that have hindered the development of the province.
“This is not time to point fingers at others but rather point your finger at yourself and ask who I am in the development of Malaita Province,” he said.
An investigation carried out after the motion of no confidence was defeated revealed that the group that moved the motion of no confidence used the money to lobby, but failed to get the result they want.
Auki News Bureau