About ninety percent (90%) of tourists that arrive in Solomon Islands are more interested and involved in cultural activities.
That’s according to an international visitor’s survey conducted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) and Solomon Island Visitors Bureau(SIVB) last year.
A senior research development officer (SRDO)within the ministry Laurie Leketo revealed this during the National Development Workshop (NDW) for cultural industries held at Mendana on Wednesday.
The national development workshop kicked off on Monday and ends today.
Mr Leketo in his presentation yesterday said that 90 percent of tourists that arrived in Solomon Islands have been involved in cultural activities during their visits in remote parts of the country.
“We have a lot of tourists coming to our shore each year to visit our islands and remotes area.
“About 90 percent of these tourists are involved largely in our culture when visiting our remotes areas and urban centres in the country,” Mr Leketo said.
He further highlighted tha tmost events and community awareness that are being organised in the country have attracted tourists.
“Sometimes when some of these events took place in our remotes area they normally attract tourists who came out to enjoy our culture sites,” Mr leketo said.
During the present Mr Leketo also urged all rural people in the country to promote their cultures because Solomon Island has been classified as a cultural nation.
“I’m urging everyone in the country to expose our culture when outside guests visit our places. Tourists love to see our cultures here and be part of it.”