A Conflict Resolution Training funded by Australian Aid (Aus Aid) through World Vision has ended successfully last week.
The training begun Tuesday and ended last Friday and was facilitated by the Sycamore Tree Prison Fellowship Solomon Islands.
The intention of the training is to train trainers from various organisations to empower them on strategies how to address conflict that arise in the communities and homes.
The coordinator of Sycamore tree Prison Fellowship Simon Mani said Sycamore tree is being mandated to work together with the communities in Solomon Islands to restore.
Mr Mani explained the training empowers participants represent various communities to become effective trainers and key partners to work together with Sycamore tree and Chanel of Hope Network.
“I applaud the Channel of Hope (COH) Network under the World Vision to working together with Sycamore tree to propagate genuine reconciliation that base on God’s word.
“We also reach out to the inmates at the Correctional centre in Rove; we share God’s word with them for them to realise their responsibilities when they involve in lawlessness.”
He said at the Correctional centre they conducted reconciliation by bringing together two parties particularly the victim and the offender to resolve their differences.
“During the four days training we cover topics such as introduction to sycamore tree, what is crime, and what is our responsibility when crime happened.
“We also look at process of reconciliation such as forgiveness, understanding the power of forgiveness and the next step is the act of restitution to restore back broken relationship,” he express
“This is a right process of reconciliation it is a process, there is no short cut as previous reconciliation not success because they fail to follow this process.”
In attendance were representatives from Seif Place Domestic Violence, Women’s Federation, Saint Barnabas Mothers Union and leaders in various communities in Honiara.
Participants were also awarded with certificates for successfully completing the training.