PRIME Minister Rick Hou says Taiwan’s development assistance to Solomon Islands over the last four decades has led to new technological innovations.
Mr Hou announced that agreement during a business workshop last week held at the Heritage Park Hotel.
He said much innovations has been established in the agriculture sector, including fruit trees, vegetables, crops, poultry, pig-farming and the introduction of green energy to rural villages.
“Taiwan’s assistance programs in strengthening the delivery capacity in our health and medical services and tertiary education; cooperation in meteorology data system management, climate change and disaster prediction systems installation and training, continue to be implemented,” he said.
He said the benefits these different programs created for Solomon Islands can be seen across the different sectors.
“Their impacts are felt throughout many rural communities, villages, households and even within the wider government circles,” he said.
Mr Hou said since Solomon Islands gain independence, the two country’s ongoing diplomatic ties continue to strengthen their partnership.
“When I reflect back over the 40 years since Solomon Islands gained independence and the establishment of our diplomatic ties, I am heartened by the fact that our two countries have defended our partnership based on respect for the fundamental democratic principles of freedom for self-determination, equal justice, security, and prosperity,” he added.
He said it is a partnership both countries also share with the larger global family of nations.
“We are jointly committed to implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals Agenda which commits the UN global family of nations to work together for protection of civil rights, security, peace, wealth, justice and prosperity.
“These goals also commit us to jointly defend democratic governance, promote gender equity, eliminate poverty, support the fight against corruption and promote sustainable health and education services throughout the global community,” he added.