DON’T burry your head in the sand and hope someone will magically fix your (community, society, family, youth, money) problems.
Start dig up information that others have missed out.
Knowledge is power – it brings creative idea or brings good news from faraway.
It is an investment that brings great rewards and will open the doors of opportunity that may otherwise be closed to us.
But Knowledge does not only mean. Being so highly qualified to do a job for the companies.
Neither, no too, it means plan to obtain education .Compulsory to be employed for the employers (business, government etc.).
One part is to be willing to work diligently and make sacrifices if necessary. Share our educational goals with family, friends and leaders at home so they can support and encourage us.
It will also goes around with being doing the job with no proper payment at the end of the day. Though, will be challenging and tiring.
The more challenging the goal, the more exciting the journey will be. Be inspired by feisty film star Bette Davis (born on April 5, 1908). “The key to life is accepting challenges”.
Volunteer is part of work.
So take the fear out from it. Somewhere, someone (unidentified). At his/her own timing will come and pick you from that scraps to the place where you unexpect it.
Around the globe, there are volunteers, not just us. Who assist with many and varied programmes. Those that they conduct throughout their free services.
It is that volunteer, gives them the opportunity to make change in their community and develop their personal lives.
Through their volunteer work, they make positive contribution and building strong people, strong families and strong communities by using their skills and expertise to help others (team) deliver its range of community strengthening programs and services.
For example, in few organisations – youth workers can be obviously identified as volunteers who provide services for another young person.
As volunteers with the resource we have, it will give us the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of many disadvantaged in the places we live.
Will meet people with diverse interests, who will want us (our job).
Those who will want and give back to the communities, will also have the opportunity to work with the team and share experiences with us.
In return, they will have the opportunity to make use of their talents or to sharpen their skills.
Because volunteers are extensively trained, they help to give people an understanding of the vision, mission, purposes and values of the youth services (organisations) that people try to implement.
However, the concern is that in most cases when people volunteer in their community for young people, they are not really accomplishing as much as they could.
We are not saying it is their fault, or anyone else’s fault at all, it is just that the precedent has been set for volunteering to be very temporary, while we would like it to be sustainable.
Thus, what really matters in volunteerism is the agent, workers and young person need to corporate fully together in their common objective of satisfying their needs profitably.
They need to network and communicate. Socialise and circulate among each other. Turn their creative ideas into tangible projects. Create, initiate, activate.
If they balance being proactive and being productive, then they have good indicators (agent, worker and beneficiaries will be happy and satisfied).
In volunteerism, though, there will be actually some very funny complaint and comments in this process – not trying to be funny, just the circumstances make it very funny.
Always be reminded. That collaboration comes in three (3s) – Integration, Cooperation, and Coordination.
So we must start manage our time, resource, knowledge. It’s time to concentrate on sharing, putting and working on minds together rather than hating, complaining and neglecting.
Young person’s career opportunities are buzzing around, ladies and gentlemen. As if we make promising links with prominent people.
And if we all look for love with someone who is diplomatic and motivated. “All is possible”.
If we can’t find these, then, can we ask everyone to pray to the Lord? Who we know can do something great about it.
If he works a miracle, thank God, good for our new generation.
If it happens the other way, then stop burry our heads in the sand, as being said.
But step the ground, grap the hoe (not axe), dig the soil (not rock) and plant sweet potatoes (not betel nut) together (not just a woman).
It is all about working together. Right place, right thing, right time, with the right person.
Then young generation, current and future youths will be empowered and developed.
Otherwise, youth prostitutes, youth drugs, youth disrespects, youth criminals-all youth problems that we always talk about.
Labelling youths with words (negative) will continue to tell the world that these youth problems will still remain the youth problems until our youths bleeds to death.
Volunteer is part of work.SO COME ON.
Let’s collaborate for the same age group (youth) at various agencies with different youth services (programmes/activities).
South Vella La Vella
Western Province