Premier Suidani’s political advisor hits back by labelling media report as false, misleading
THE Malaita Premier Political Advisor Celsus Talifilu has hit back at a media report that claimed he is currently in Taipei, Taiwan this week to seek financial assistance.
The media report stated that Mr. Talifilu is in Taipei to talk with Taiwan political leaders seeking financial assistance in aid of Premier Daniel Suidani’s intention of challenging the legality of the Rural Constituency Development Fund (RCDF) in court, and to seek financial support to support candidates who will be contesting the 2023 National General Election (NGE) is misleading.
The article which was published on the front page of this newspaper yesterday portrayed the Political Advisor to the Malaita Premier as the man pulling strings to have Guadalcanal, Renbell, and Central Province to support Taiwan.
However, Mr. Talifilu has proven the publication wrong by posting a video of him in Brisbane in Australia yesterday. It was understood that he is currently in Quarantine after leaving for Australia last Friday.
He told Solomon Star Auki that the article is not only misleading, but holds no fact, and is untimely, which does not speak well of the author.
“The story is not correct and is totally false.”
“I’m here with the purpose of helping out with Premier Suidani’s health arrangement overseas.”
“This is important because the Premier has been referred by local health professionals to seek medical attention overseas because we do not have the needed facility in the country.”
Mr. Talifilu has called on the author to stop politicising the matter as it is a matter to do with the health of the Malaita Premier.
He said he is in Australia for humanitarian purposes to make arrangements for Premier Suidnai’s medical assistance.
The Malaita Premier’s Advisor said the trip is all about giving help to someone that is in need of medical attention and not seeking funds from Taiwan as alluded to in the published article.
He said the author who is a Malaitan himself should know better than talking about people who are in need of medical assistance like the situation of the Malaita Premier is sensitive and is not worth politicising as shown in the published article.
He said if something bad happens to the premier because of this current medical condition, people would connect it to this misleading story, which is too sensitive to deal with in the Malaitan context.
With that, Mr. Talifilu has called on the author to refrain from publishing such misleading stories where he said there are lots of issues affecting the country which the author should focus his pen on.
He said this is a health issue that should be left alone for health professionals and those who arrange it to deal with and not for a journalist to politicise and mislead the public about it.
Auki News Bureau