Parents of Nafinua community high school in East Kwara’ae, Malaita province are concern with the continuous issues of teachers’ absenteeism which affected students from both primary and secondary.
A group of parents have raised this complained following claims of increase absenteeism from classes.
Tony Barai a concern parent told the Solomon Star in Auki yesterday that teachers’ absenteeism is now a problem which affected the learning skills of the students.
He claimed; “I notice that during a week for about two to three days student return home without even attending any single classes. When I asked the students they said they didn’t have any classes because their teachers are not in the class rooms.
“We parents know that all teachers are being paid by the Solomon Islands Government and teachers must be committed to their jobs,” he said
Mr Barai added that many parents are paying so much amount of school fees for nothing.
“Yet teachers are not doing their job well.”
The parent has called on the school management to do something about this issue.
He also called on the Malaita provincial education authority and the ministry of education to investigate the teachers.
“Or else the parents will take action about this,” he said.
By William Ekotani
In Auki