COUNTING of ballot papers in Temotu will start today, the province’s electoral manager Luke Paul says.
Mr Paul said ballot boxes from the province’s two remote constituencies of VATUD and Pele are expected to arrive at provincial capital Lata last night.
They will be counted along with the ballot boxes of Nende constituency when counting starts today.
He added counting will start with Nende constituency ballots, to be followed by Pele, and Vatud.
“My officers will ensure high visibility of police officers in the counting station, which will be inside the provincial assembly hall,” Mr Paul said.
He said no mobile phones are to be turned on inside the counting room to avoid the repeat of the 2010 incident.
Mr Paul said in 2010 officials use their mobile phones to inform voters about the counting process.
“Such practice disrupts the counting process and violates secrecy of votes,” he said.
“We will not allow this to happen this round.”
Mr Paul said he was impressed with the presence of police officers at various polling stations during the election at three constituencies in Temotu.
“Visibility of police security was encouraging for voters to cast their votes without fear and intimidation.
“Reports I received from the polling officials and police officers at various polling stations at Nende, Pele, and VATUD say the election process went smoothly.”
Nende hosted 31 polling stations, Pele 20, while VATUD had 16.
in Lata