A new tentative date for the committal hearing on the murder case at Auki, Malaita Province has been fixed on Tuesday.
This date will be confirmed by all the lawyers representing the accused persons and prosecutions on July 6.
The previous tentative date for the long form preliminary inquiry on July 18 to July 29 was not suitable for one of the lawyers.
This was because Ben Alasia of Public Solicitor’s Office was just recently been allocated to represent Benard Lagate’e.
Lagate’e was previously presented by Private Lawyer David Lidimani but had withdrawn his legal representation.
He and his co-accused Robert Jeeney Ete, Luciano Laukasi and Milton Maelikini are jointly charged with one count of murder.
This was in relation to the murder of a man between August 17 and August 18 of last year at Sea Sound area, Gwaunaru’u.
The body of the deceased was found near the Bmobile tower near Auki.
Private Lawyer Anderson Kesaka represents Ete while the Public Solicitor lawyers Michael Holara and Henry Kausimae represent Laukasi and Maelikini.
Public Prosecutor Bradley Dalipanda is representing the Crown.