Dear Editor – Thank you for allowing me space to comment on the article that appeared in the Island Sun last week regarding ROC funds referred to the Author who was Alfred Sasako as secret funds.
Firstly, the former Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo himself expressed displeasure with the way Alfred Sasako wrote the article.
The article was never by-lined by Mr Sasako for reasons only known to himself. I had a quick chat with Mr Lilo who said he was actually talking about appropriation of funds that ROC funds in parliament before MPs can use it.
I have also spoken with ROC officials who said after the article was published, Alfred Sasako requested an interview with the ambassador.
It seems Mr Sasako really dislike ROC. It was no surprise because he has joined a delegation in recent times led by Tommy Chan that went to China.
After their return, there was an attempt to topple the government last year and there were talks of their plans to switch ties to mainland China – a move I am sure will never go down well with people of Solomon Islands alike.
Secondly, the ROC officials who I spoke with said they were quiet surprise because all ROC funds are given through right procedures to any ruling SI government.
They said ROC is merely providing assistances to support SI. They never give the money with any strings attached. It is our leaders that can decide what they want to use it for base on their priorities and policies.
They never want to dictate what the funds should be used for because no recipient wants that to happen.
If I give a genuine help to a genuine friend, it would not be really good to tell him/her, you must use that money for food.
A good friend gives $100 to a good friend and said, here’s something to help you and your family. That’s more like a genuine help.
Thirdly, why Alfred Sasako wrote the article and do not want to put his name against it, and instead ask for an interview with the ROC ambassador raises questions surrounding Mr Sasako’s agenda.
I suggest ROC to not allow Mr Sasako to interview the ambassador because he will again distort the message like he did to Mr Lilo’s, and twist the material to suit his own agenda. He is always good at this.
ROC stood by the Solomon Islands during our darkest hours when no other friends did. Their RCDF funding is continually criticised but take a visit to the rural villages. You will see almost all iron roofing houses with Solar panels.
That’s a real development, a real change to the lives of rural people. How it’s been administered is always criticised, but it ends up somehow in the villages.
I don’t buy into the other countries’ funding meant for rural people only to be pinched by a lot of advisors who were sent to facilitate projects only to eat up over half of the fundings.
I still support ROC fundings to the country. They were given with no strings attached. It is our leaders who must be responsible and use it to our advantage.
So who do we point fingers to?
God bless a hand that’s giveth and the one that’s taketh!
God Bless SI & ROC!
Milton Robo
East Koleridge