THERE is something deeply unsettling about the recent appointments to the Solomon Islands Water Authority (SIWA) Board. While Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mines, Energy, and Rural Electrification, Honorable Bradley Tovosia may have exercised his legal powers under the Solomon Islands Water Authority Act, I can’t help but feel that this process reeks of something darker – corruption, abuse of power and overreach.
Let’s be clear that having the authority to do something does not make it right. Just because the law allows the Minister to appoint the SIWA Board does not mean he can act with impunity. It seems like we have reached a point where positions of public responsibility are handed out not to serve the people but to reward political loyalty, curry favors and solidify power. This is not just poor governance but a betrayal of the public trust.
Corruption in Plain Sight – To me, the issue of corruption looms large over this entire situation. The appointments should be about finding the most qualified, experienced individuals who can steer SIWA in the right direction. But if the rumors are true that these appointments are based on personal favors or political connections, then what chance do we have of improving water services in this country?
Water is a lifeline. Corruption in an institution that manages such a critical resource does not just affect some abstract budget line but has real tangible impacts on the people. If we cannot trust those in power to make decisions that prioritize public welfare over private gain, what kind of future are we building?
Power Abused – Let’s talk about abuse of power. Yes, the Minister has the legal right to make appointments but when that power is used to push aside merit-based processes or sidestep accountability, it is a dangerous game. Honorable Tovosia’s actions raise red flags – is he appointing people based on their ability to contribute to SIWA’s success or is he filling the Board with allies who owe their loyalty to him?
Public office comes with the responsibility to act in the public’s best interests. But in cases like this, it feels like the Minister’s power is being wielded for personal and political advantage. It is an abuse that erodes the very foundation of governance and it is the people who suffer as a result.
Overreach of Authority – Where Does It End? The idea of overreach is troubling. If the Minister is not just appointing the Board but actively involving himself in the day-to-day operations of SIWA, then we have a serious problem. The Board is supposed to act independently, making decisions based on the needs of the people and the country’s water infrastructure.
But if political influence seeps into every aspect of SIWA’s operations, how can we expect transparency, accountability or fairness? If procurement processes or major projects are directed by political motivations, then the whole system breaks down, leaving us with poor service delivery and ultimately, harm to the public.
Self-interest Over Public Good -The idea that appointments might be driven by self-interest is deeply disturbing. Public office is not a tool for self-enrichment. Yet too often, it feels like that is exactly what it has become. When self-interest drives decisions that affect an essential service like water, the consequences can be catastrophic. We are talking about access to safe, clean water – something that everyone in this country should have. If political gamesmanship is standing in the way of that, it is unforgivable.
Immorality and the Erosion of Trust – Finally, there is the question of morality. Even if Honorable Tovosia’s actions are technically legal under the Act, they can still be deeply immoral. Appointing unqualified people to positions of authority, especially in such a critical sector, is an act of profound irresponsibility. It is immoral because it shows a complete disregard for the needs of the people. It prioritizes power and personal gain over public service.
We are witnessing the erosion of trust in public institutions. Every time decisions are made with self-interest, political loyalty or financial gain in mind, it chips away at the faith we have in our leaders. If this kind of behavior goes unchecked, it will not just be SIWA that suffers but the entire country.
A Call for Accountability – At the end of the day, this isn’t just about water – it’s about governance, transparency, and accountability. It’s about whether we, as a nation, are willing to accept a political culture where self-interest reigns supreme, or whether we demand better from those in power. We need to hold our leaders to a higher standard, one where public service is about the people, not about personal enrichment or political advantage.
As citizens, we deserve more than what we’re getting. And it is high time that we start demanding it.