THE exciting European Union funded Women’s Theatre Company, Stages of Change, opened their week-long tour of Malaita with an action-packed performance at Auki Market, last Thursday.
A large crowd turned up to witness the performance.
Project coordinator Lanieta Leo said the group was happy to tour the province.
She explained the idea behind establishing the theatre group is to engage women and men in discussion about violence against women and girls in the country.
“The performances are simple, but they send out a powerful message to the people,” she said.
“One of the most interesting skit or drama is a school of fish in the rough sea,” Mrs Leo said.
“And this speaks of togetherness between leaders in the country; leaders must work together in whatever situation as the school of fish swimming together in rough waters.”
The tour will take the group to Aligegeo Secondary School, Kilusakwalo Secondary School in central Kwara’ae and in north Malaita.
in Auki