THE Ministry of Health (MOH) workers will be under-going a training on a new curriculum that will focus on emergency response to victims in crisis.
This will be staged next month in Honiara.
The training will be funded by United Nation Funds for Population Activities (UNFPA).
Gender Based Violence coordinator Nashley Vozoto said,the training will basically focus on treatment and medication that victims need in times of disaster crisis.
“We will look at the right treatments that victims should get in times of crisis,” Mr Vozoto said.
He added, that the training is to enhance their knowledge and skills in preparation for any future disaster that might strike.
Mr Vozoto said,health workers within Honiara and Gizo will attend the training first before rolling out to other provinces.
He encourages every nurses and doctors to attend the training to know the right treatment that should be given to victims in times of crisis.