An ex-SINU employee who burnt exam papers under the influence of liquor due to disappointments with the national tertiary institution will stand trial as of next week
A FORMER staff of the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) who was accused of burning exam papers worth over $93,000 last year will go on trial next week in the Honiara Magistrate Court.
Ricky Hoa, 37, is facing trial for one count of malicious damage.
His trial will start on Thursday before Principal Magistrate, Tearo Beneteti.
The prosecution will be calling four witnesses at the trial.
Hoa was charged after he allegedly set fire to files containing the student assessment task test, examination theory observation sheets and Practical Observation files.
It was alleged Hoa was not happy with few issues with the university that affected him.
One of the issues, was that he was removed from his job at the university due to the โNo jab, no job policy imposed by the government after the outbreak of the COVID-19.
The policy made it mandatory for all government workers, including workers in State-Owned enterprises to be jabbed.
It was alleged that on 12 May 2022 at about 3pm, Hoa who was allegedly under the influence of liquor entered the Carpentry and Joinery Department Office.
Hoa went in and loaded files containing studentsโ assessment task test, examination theory observation sheets and practical observation files into a cardboard box and carried them out. He told a tutor to was there to call the dean, who is the complainant in this matter, to go and see him.
Thereafter, he proceeded with the box of files to his residence where he allegedly burnt them.
It was alleged that the institutions security officers tried to stop him but he told them that those files were his work that SINU had not paid him for.
The total value of the exam papers burnt is $93,319.20.
The complainant in this matter went to the Naha Police Station and lodged his complaint.
Solomon Star, Honiara