Transparency Solomon Islands welcomes the Democratic Coalition for Change’s (DCC) plan to establish the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in Solomon Islands.
“Corruption is widespread in this country. It eats deep within but is prevented from reaching the surface by evil networks within the public sector,” TSI executive office Daniel Fenua said.
He described the announcement of plans to establish ICAC as a blessing to the development of Solomon Islands.
“An ICAC will definitely reduce corrupt practices. It will ensure resources are harvested sustainably; services are delivered honestly, and deal with people who have no integrity for the public office they are looking after.
He said corruption has over the past years continued to infiltrate into the fabrics of the society especially governments.
“One obvious practice is misuse of power which threatens good governance and promotes a culture of unfairness.
“TSI will render its support to the government where necessary to ensure it goes ahead with the establishment of an ICAC,” Mr Fenua added.
He added that the challenges of fighting corruption in Solomon Islands highlights the essential need of having an ICAC that is designed and empowered to fight corruption effectively by means of specialized investigative and prosecutorial tools needed to push out corruption.