Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) has acknowledged members of parliament (MP) who are recipients of the national transport grant category 2 [heavy equipment] who have bought the machineries to repair existing roads in their constituency.
In a statement TSI said a number of MPs applied for these grants in the name of development or constructing roads in their constituencies.
“How these funds have been used needs to be made public as the funds allocated are tax-payers funds,” the statement said.
TSI said the premiers of each province and the ministry of provincial government have been and continue to be transparent on how the PCDF funds are spent publishing it in the print media.
“This is transparency, accountability and democracy in action and Transparency Solomon Islands now pays credit to the MP for East Malaita and Opposition Leader Manasseh Maelanga for setting a good example for other MPs to emulate.
“He has brought about tangible benefits for the $1.5million national transport grant he received to build road in his constituency, as published in the Malaita Star Quarterly Magazine 2018.”
TSI praised Maelanga for the construction of a much needed road infrastructure connecting the highlands communities of East Kwara’e electorate to the main East Road.
East Kwara’e constituents praised their MP for the construction of the new road to stimulate crucial contribution to economic development growth and bring important social benefits.
TSI said it was informed that MP for East Guadalcanal Bradley Tovosia has also repaired road in his constituency that is much appreciated by members of his constituency.
“We comment you for the proper use of the grants you received on behalf of your constituency and people,” TSI said.
Thats the kind of transparency and accountability that TSI is advocating for, and is a start, the statement said.
A lot more transparency and information are needed by tax-payers of this country on use of CDF, shipping grant, equipment and machineries, scholarships and the list goes on. Information on who owns these equipment, ships etc. are also important.
TSI is urging responsible authorities to investigate MPs who are recipients of these grants, but have not purchased ships, machineries etc.
“First place to start would be to have a look at the bank accounts of recipients and verify whether or not the funds are still there, or have they been used for something else or own benefits,” the statement said.