THERE are several things essential to address violence against women at the village and community level.
UN Women Pacific said this in response to the death of a girl in Isabel, allegedly in the hands of her father.
The UN Women says to address this terrible problem at the village and community levels there are crucial things to make.
“These include questions all forms of violence against women and challenge the idea that it is not a serious issue or crime, change the shaming and blaming that many survivors of violence against women face and treat violence against women seriously with proper punishment of perpetrators and fair justice for survivors, from the perspective of the survivor.”
The UN Women Pacific pointed out that violence against women is preventable.
“People change their attitudes, beliefs and actions everyday based on new information, technology and knowledge. This is also true about how women and girls valued, and the roles that men and boys have.”
It said women and girls are essential and valuable contributors to communities, families, and entire countries and their rights must be protected to allow them to live up to their full potential.
UN Women is partnering with five other UN agencies (ILO, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO) and numerous governments and civil society groups to advance the UN Joint Programme on Ending Violence against Women and Girls to prevent and respond to violence in a comprehensive way.
The organisation added that through the ‘Protecting Women’s Human Rights through CEDAW implementation project’, UN Women and the EU aim to strengthen women’s access to justice in Solomon Islands.