Boe Primary school in South Choiseul Constituency is amongst three other schools within Choiseul Province that benefited from a solar light system pilot project.
A total of 16 solar panels with sets of all accessories required of the project were installed at Boe Primary School building and staff houses.
The project was part of UNICEF school project that was carried out in selected schools.
The main purpose of the system was to improve the quality of education in teaching and learning between staff and students and to see how the learning and teaching improved over time with the systems at hand.
With the installed system, laptops and other equipment’s such as printer, photocopy machine etc, etc can now be used.
The equipment’s can now provide such services to nearby communities and schools and also a source of income for Boe Primary school to raise money for maintaining the system in future.
The Headmaster of Boe Pimary School Joshua Pitavoqa said it was a blessing for the school and that his staff is very happy.
“Now my staff will be able to do their work at night, in preparation for the next day’s lessons.
Chiefs, elders and leaders of Boe community received the project with thankful hearts.
Chief Franklyn Zolevole, the chairman of the school said that “having this project is a blessing to the community and this will make a difference to learning of our children”.
“To the Boe community this is a blessing and therefore would like to thank UNICEF for the opportunity and selected Boe Primary school as one of the schools for the project.
“Secondly the community would also like to thank Choiseul Province Education Division and member for Viviru ward, Hon Jimmy Kanoko for the help in facilitating and overseeing the project.
“Lastly thanks to David Leeming and Willies Electric for installing the solar system.”
– By Jimmy Qoloni Kereseka