Dear Editor,
Firstly, congratulations to the labour government in Australia for taking office.
The labour party has undertaken to work closely with pacific islands countries.
Recently after taking office, it officially announced it will increase pacific workers in Australia including offering PRS for pacific workers and their families.
In line with this, and in view of many unemployed in Solomon Islands, if an upgrade is made to seasonal workers or similar arrangement for Solomon Islanders to access job markets in Australia and New Zealand in other sectors in the formal employment skilled area.
This would ensure provision of skilled labour from Solomon Islands into Australia and New Zealand.
An area worth mentioning is the Aboriginal and Yoress straight communities in Australia and Maori in New Zealand.
Solomon Islands police officers, lawyers for Aboriginal and Legal Aid offices around Australia.
Magistrate and Judges in Solomon Islands could be given contracts around Australia and New Zealand.
Teachers and Nurses in Solomon Islands could be also provided these opportunities.
After the contracts, these human resources could return to further contribute to Solomon Islands. Apart from their economic, social, intellectual contributions to Australia and New Zealand.
The Prime Ministers office and Ministry of Home Affairs could further develop the idea and explore the possibilities and develop a working committee to ascertain the opportunities available.
After all the Australian Labour party have reintegrated the valuable contribution that our pacific family have contributed in Australia.
Yours sincerely,
Samani Logara Dausabea Kaliuae Getu.