PEOPLE of Central Islands Province can now access a much improved health services.
This followed the commissioning of the three main buildings of the Tulagi Hospital Improvement project on Friday.
The Minister for Health and Medical Services the Hon Dr Paul Popora Boswai alongside the Premier of Central Province the Hon Michael Salini this morningofficially commissioned the upgraded hospitallaunched 3 main buildings of the Tulagi Hospital Improvement project.
The refurbishment of Tulagi hospital started in 2024.
Friday’s program to celebrate the completion of reopening of the hospital was also witnessed by Minister for Tourism and Member of Parliament (MP) for Ngella Constituency the Hon Choylin Douglas and the MHMS Permanent Secretary Pauline McNeil and senior officials from the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Ministry of Planning, Development and Aid Coordination, Ministry of Finance and Treasury and the Prime Minister’s office.
The project iwas funded by the World Bank Covid 19 Response Project within the Ministry of Health and Medical Services worth a total of sbdSBD$9.6 million dollars and the construction work is managed and implemented by Super Construction Limited.
The completed refurbishment work at the hHospital covered five (5) existing buildings including the administration office.

The refurbishment works took around 13 months to complete.
The improvement works ensures that Tulagi Hospital has an expanded operating theatre, enabling more advanced surgical procedures.
A fully equipped medical laboratory and medical imaging unit, improving diagnostic capabilities.
A dedicated pediatricpaediatric ward, ensuring specialized care for children, an isolation ward for infectious diseases, enhancing our ability to respond to health emergencies and a new standby generator, guaranteeing an uninterrupted power supply for critical hospital functions.
Speaking at the handing over ceremony Minister for Health and Medical Services Dr Paul Popora Boswai said the project is part of the Ministry’s broader commitment.
“The Tulagi Hospital renovation is part of a broader commitment under the National Health Role Delineation Policy and the Health Strategic Plan to improve healthcare infrastructure nationwide.
“It is a testament to what we can achieve when the Ministry of Health, development partners, and other sectors work together to strengthen healthcare services for our communities.
“With this new improved facility, we anticipate that the hospital will provide and upgrade existing services as well as new health care services which have not been provided in the past but will now be available and accessible,” said Minister Bosawai.

Meanwhile, Provincial Health Director Lorraine Satorara confirmeds that services currently offered at Tulagi Hospital include, ante natal and post-natal care, child health and welfare including immunization, NCD, TB, Vector and Malaria, Eye Program, Mental Health, Dental services, General Outpatient, Community based rehabilitation services, and diagnostic services, a malaria lab.
The new facility ensures that the hospital has additional diagnostic services that include x-ray, a new medical laboratory, an operating theatre and additional wards – a children’s ward and an isolation ward.
The new facility also provides additional space for public health programs, including surveillance, vector disease control and health information system, and space to cater for an ME Officer for malaria.
The new facility also caters for office space for the hospital’s nurse management team, a new space to sterilize equipment for surgical procedures.
The hospital kitchen is now also expanded with more space to prepare food for patients, food storage and domestic supplies for laundry.
Additional toilet facilities are also catered for and so there are now separate toilets for male female and children.
The facility also caters for sluce to ensure there is proper waste management practised by health workers at the hospital.
The hospital also now has a new standby generator to ensure power supply continues when there is power outage.

Also speaking at the launch Minister for Tourism and MP for Ngella Constituency the Hon Choylin Douglas attributed the handover to collaboration between various parties.
“This milestone is achieved today because of collaboration between theWorld Bank, the Solomon Islands Government through the Ministry of Health and Medical Services and the Ministry of Finance, the Tulagi Hospital, the Provincial Government, Super Construction Company limited and my good people of Ngella.
“Big tangio tumas to World Bank for funding the repair of hospital. As I look around the compound today, I cannot help but feel very grateful and humbled to now have one of the most modern mini hospitals in the country launched in my very own constituency.
“My people are very lucky and we cannot stress enough and express our utmost gratitude and appreciation for this wonderful gift of a new hospital.
“Thank you to the Solomon Islands Government and the Ministry of Health and Medical Services for making Tulagi Hospital a priority in your health improvement and strengthening initiatives and reform.”
She added, there are many other provincial health facilities still waiting in line for renovations, and so the handover toon Friday is a testament of government’s commitment to Tulagi Hospital and healthcare services for the people of Tulagi and the wider Ngella Constituency, said Minister Douglas.
The Hospital Improvement Project includes an Incinerator Facility for the Tulagi Hospital.
It was delivered by RSF Construction Company Limited and was launched last year to ensure the hospital waste management system was also improved.
The launch and plaque unveiling ceremony was witnessed by all health workers of Tulagi Hospital, and community members from in and around Tulagi.
The program included feasting and traditional dancing entertainment