AN evangelist from the United States and his wife visited and blessed villagers of East Kwaio in Malaita with the Word of God and material goods recently.
Rick Newton and his wife Doreen spent a week at Nanakinimae village, during which they shared the Word of God and distributed school and medical supplies.
They also shared reading glasses and contributed to building a house to store the supplies they have brought with them.
Newton said the building was partially built but they will help finish it for the community.
He said the building will be used as a Christian and Cultural Centre or a focal point to preserve culture and Christianity, as well as to store education materials for the community.
This was Newton’s third visit to the remote Kwaio region.
Previously, he came with the pilgrimage cross in 2015 and spread the gospel of Christ as well as baptising newly converted Christians.
This year he brought with him his wife Doreen.
They arrived in Honiara on June 6 and have spent time in communities on Guadalcanal before travelling over to East Kwaio on June 18.
While there, the couple also visited a community called Waimaka in west Are’are, where they distributed reading glasses to those who need them.
At Nanakinimae, the couple conducted a bible seminar for church leaders and Christians there.
Chief Diki Takwai of Nanakinimae said:
“The devil has had this place long enough, but now through Jesus Christ we have been set free.”
He added that God moved his people and many have surrendered to the Lord through the work of the evangelist, who came all the way to visit their once neglected and unrecognised community.
Another chief, Dani Rika, said it was good to see the work of the Holy Spirit working amongst his people through the message Newton shared during his time at the community..
Newton and his wife will return home on July 5 but promise to come back again next year.