THE University of the South Pacific, Solomon Islands (USPSI) campus in Honiara will be organising a two day information session for school leavers at its USPSI compound commencing today.
The two day series information session is for school leavers or drop outs around the country to convene and learn more about the opportunities that are available at USP centre for students.
That includes form three, five and six school leavers.
It will start today (Tuesday 3rd) and will end on Thursday.
USPSI administrative co-ordinator told the Solomon Star that this is to bring school leavers to come and learn about the opportunities available here at USP for you (students).
“We have other pathways for you to continue your education.
“Seeing the high number of secondary school dropouts and limited information on opportunities that they have, we see it fitting to give students information about opportunities and pathways they can take to continue their education,” he said.
He stated that the session will feature different activities including presentations by different interdisciplinary colleges and centers as well as departments and faculties.
“Questions and Answers session adding it’s a two days session from Tuesday 3rd & Thursday 5th Feb, 10am – 12noon.
“We have had similar events in the past but at different times like Open Days and Trade Expos.
“This year we’re organizing this event before our registration next week.
“It’s important that students are given enough information about opportunities and other alternative pathways to continue their education.
“And also having good information on opportunities, students can be able to make informed choices for themselves,” said Leve.
Meanwhile, Leve call on every school leavers to make use of the opportunity.
“To all school dropouts (F3, F5 & F6) including parents and the public, you’re all welcome to come to these sessions.
“Secondary education is not the end, we have other pathways available,” he said.