Dear Editor – As an indigenous of Vanikoro Island, I could not imagine the omission of Vanikoro Island from having a share in the funds distributed to wards in Vatud by Vatud MP and her so-called administration group to hold ward tournament on January, 2018.
I call on Vatud MP and her administration group to try as much as possible to remove the discriminating minds and hearts they have and wear lenses that look beyond egoism and ethnicity.
This bad treatment towards Vanikoro people with the special exception of Tikopian settlers is unacceptable and show the level of immaturity of the current MP and her working group.
Even MV Vatud-Makira Star never serve other ports of Vanikoro except Teuove now called Murivai.
Who is so special to you MP and who is not?
My heart cries for your fair treatment to us and I hope you do not do such when you implement your housing scheme as promised last year.
James Stevenson