RURAL communities need to be placed higher in the political agenda for social and economic development in the country.
Guadalcanal Provincial Premier, Bartholomew Vavanga reminded his colleague premiers at the closing of their week-long conference in Honiara last week.
Premier Vavanga said in terms of economic development, the important players or pillars are the rural communities.
Premier Vavanga said the country cannot rely on the national government, private sector alone to develop the country economically.
He said participation of rural communities in the process is vital since they are the important stakeholders.
He added that economic development in the country cannot grow and prosper without the involvement of the rural communities.
“We must ac knowledge their participation as important partners in developing the nation. “he said.
Premier Vavanga appeals to the national government, aid donors and none government organisations NGOs to recognise participation of rural communities as important partners in economic development of this country.
He added that participation of the rural communities in economic development must be encouraged and supported by relevant government ministries, provincial authorities and NGOs.
The week-long Premiers conference held in the capital, Honiara ended last Friday.