FORMER Guadalcanal premier Anthony Veke says one of his approaches to developing his ward is to empower women participate in development.
He pointed this out in an interview with the Solomon Star.
“My plan is to empower women in my ward to engage in economic activities so that they could be able to improve their standard of living,” Mr Veke said.
He establishing women’s group within the various communities of his ward would help towards empowering these women.
“I’ve met with the micro-finance scheme officers and we have discussed how I could include women in my ward to access this scheme,” he said.
He said business activities in the pipeline are cooking, sewing, piggery, poultry, floral arts and so forth.
“Women will attend trainings in these areas either informal or formal to ensure services provided are of high quality.
“Involving women in these areas would ease my people from travelling to Honiara to purchase products that we can produce at home,” Mr Veke said
He also appealed to the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCCG) to recognise women and engage them in national development goals.
“We have potential women in the country who can serve in every spectrum of developments just like men.”
He said the time is now right tocognise women’s voice in all levels of leadership.
Mr Veke is ward member for Tangnarare, whichcovers the main villages of Tiaro, Kogeva,Kabwale, Suva and Tulagi.