THE Uniting Church in Solomon Islands together with the administration of its owned Vonunu National Secondary School (NSS) in the Western Province have renamed the school to ‘Reginald Chapman Nicholson College’ or ‘Nicholson College for short.’
The name change took effect as of last Tuesday – June 6.
This was confirmed to Solomon Star by a school staff, Benjamin Buka, in an interview.

Mr Buka said the name change was announced at a ceremony whereby, the school principal’s effort in pursuing the school’s vision.
He said at the ceremony, the new school motto, logo and badge bearing the new name was unveiled.
He said Reginald Chapman Nicholson was the first English missionary who introduced the Methodist Church to Vella Island.
Nicholson arrived in Vonunu in southeast Vella in 1904.

Vonunu NSS has educated many Solomon Islanders who now high positions in the government and the private sector.
Solomon Star, Honiara