OPPOSITION leader Matthew Wale congratulates the newly appointed Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Rachael Subusola Olutimayin.
“The DPP is a very important office as it is the office responsible for sanctioning serious crime including those dealing with leaders in public offices hence, it is important that the government puts the right people in this office,” Wale said.
“I have all the confidence in the new DPP,” he added.
“With her professional background and experience, I have no doubt that she will do the country proud.
“My office looks forward to working closely with the new DPP and I call on other law enforcement agent including the police to support the new DPP in her new role.”
Wale goes on to say: “when the DPP discharges his or her duties according to the law, the public will have confidence and respect for the rule of law.”
He points out that when the DPP Office is weak, it also shows in the level of respect that the public give to law enforcement agents.
“While the Opposition office can raise issues of a criminal nature and make calls for investigation and prosecution, it is always up to other government enforcement authorities such as the Police, DPP and the Leadership Code Commission to take action.”
Rachel Subusola Olutimayin replaces former Director, Ronald Bei Talasasa who was one of our longest serving directors.
Talasasa is now serving as the new DPP in Nauru.