LEADER of the Opposition Mathew Wale’s debate on the “speech from the throne” motion hit hard on the prime minister causing exchanges of words on the floor of the parliament, Wednesday.
Wale started off his debate by echoing the freedom of speech sentiments and stated that his office takes their role and mandate very seriously to scrutinise the government.
“Just think what a mess government would be if it did not expect oversight. The fact there is an Opposition group should instill discipline in the executive government to do what is right and sensible,” Wale said.
He further stressed that all powers exercised in and through government by individuals, politicians and civil servants are done in the name of the people of Solomon Islands.
“That is why it is important that we all keep an eye on each other to make sure the exercise of the government is done as trustees of such powers.
“The Opposition’s support to the government is exactly that to ensure that the government’s decisions and lack of decisions are made in the best interests of the people of Solomon Islands,” Wale said.
He further pointed out that no one in the government should treat government as his private business and refuses to be accountable or be asked questions for their exercise of government powers.
Wale strongly made it in front of the prime minister and DCGA that no one in the government should be offended when they are asked to explain or account.
“It is important that the people of Solomon Islands are informed of what their government is or is not doing,” he said.
While Wale supports the motion, he told DCGA that the adequacy of the budget allocation for this year continues to be a challenge to delivering on the policy promises.