Dear Editor – The battle of war of words between our two top leaders the likes of PM and the Dr Sikua, Leader of Opposition is no new story in our Solomon politics. It had happen almost every time a new government is formed.
Nara wan bat no laek dadaon tu. They all want to be the boss. Every one boss who nomoa bae labour. The finger pointing game, a game we are too good at.
Ma work together nomoa guys, after all it’s the same nation and people that you all the 50 MPs are mandated to care for Solomon islanders.
The rehabilitation programme DCCG is trying to address are long overdue programmes, had the Dr treat them with some tablets during his days. In office as our PM no one will raise a complaint. Iumi bae hapi ba.
Now when DCCG is on the “try to do at least something”, we bla-bla-bla, and complain. Mae karage umi oraet yet. Ta mola bi oka. What nomoa bae good.
Let DCCG do what they can do to address those problems and claims that go with the ethnic tension crisis. It is just the beginning, who knows maybe plenty are on the way and something good is going to happen.
Good on you DCCG. Action speaks louder than words. A great talker is a little doer.
Go ahead DCCG.
Andrew Maomaiasi