Alota’a community high school near Auki, Malaita is currently experiencing water shortage following lack of rain over the past two weeks and it had affected students.
The shortage affected both the secondary and primary students.
The school’s deputy school principal Godfrey Salo said even the water supply from the Solomon Islands Water Authority (SIWA) has been very low due to weak pressure and cannot supply the entire school.
Because of the current water shortage students have found difficult to get drinking water to sustain them during class sessions.
The school’s agriculture students on Monday dug up a week to water their nursery and vegetable farm project.
“At this stage Alota’a school needs more water tanks in order to sustain the school population,” Mr Salo said
Therefore he called on the responsible authorities to step in and support the school before the situation gets out of hand.
The last option if the situation gets worse is to suspend classes.
This is not the first time the school experience such problems.