THE OFFICIAL ‘West-4-Australia Bushfire Victim Fundraiser’ (W4ABF) has entered its last week of fundraising despite bad weather patterns in the Western Province for most of the past month but an atmosphere of positivity spreading as organizers call for public support.
The fundraiser spread out throughout the Western Province (WP) has picked momentum in Gizo town and people anticipate the outcome from similar programs held in Ringgi, Noro, Munda and Seghe.
Set to be held over a two week period the W4AB fundraiser has entered its final week as planned to go stronger than it had started out and it is yet to be confirmed if the programs will be pushed into the third week.
The Chairman of the West 4 Australia Bushfire Victim fundraising drive Gideon Tuke explained during the launch of the fundraiser that anything and everything possible will be done to raise as much money for victims of the devastating fire in Australia and appeals.
He shared the continuous need by individuals and business houses for their heartfelt assistance in the current efforts by donating PA Sound systems and for the cause as well as performance groups such as dancers and singer who feel they can contribute to the fundraising efforts underway.
The fundraising committee responsible for the program has shown to see no idea as too small, as they take advantage of wheelbarrow runs, card games, weekend dance events and a host of other events.
“We are going to do whatever it takes to assist our brothers and sisters in Australia who are in need, just as they have been here for us in our time of need,” he said.
Implemented by the Western Government through the initiative national government, the fundraiser has also been able to bring to light the reality of the damage and lives affected by the disaster.
In Gizo