WESTERN Province is again proposing another 14-day lockdown to reduce COVID-19 cases.
This comes as COVID-19 cases continue to surge in the communities resulting in some unreported deaths.
The plan was considered and discussed by the Provincial Disaster Committee (PDC), Provincial Disaster Operations Committee (PDOC) and the Western Provincial Government (WPG) last week.
According to the reports compiled by the PDC, PDOC, WPG and Provincial Health Emergency Operations Committee (PHEOC) last week the plan is being discussed after it was found that there is still a very high risk of COVID-19 transmission occurring in the communities.
Acting PDC Chairman, Patrick Toiraena said that the proposed 14-day island lockdown for the province is purposely to restrict the movement of people.
He said this allows the provincial wide self-isolation to stop further transmissions and significantly reduce positive COVID-19 cases while enabling the Provincial Health Team to carry out their duties without disturbance.
“This planned lockdown and date will be announced when the PDC-PDOC and WPG see all communities and islands are prepared with enough essential supplies to sustain themselves during restriction period.
“If the lockdown is confirmed provincial wide awareness will be undertaken to inform all communities,” he said.
He added PDC has been working on a proposal to be submitted to WPG for endorsement and to national authorities requesting an order requiring compulsory wearing of masks in public spaces as soon as a person leave his/her home throughout Western Province.
Mr. Toiraena said this is to prevent the wide spread transmission of COVID-29 in public places and outside of their homes.
He urges all public servants working and living in the province to comply with health and social measures including restrictions.
“Refusal to comply with COVID-19 measures including engaging in illegal selling of betel net and illegally operating betel nut stalls refusal to self isolate at home when infected with COVID-19 and continue to commit offence under the SIG COVID-19 regulations may eventually lead to warning or termination from job,” he said.
He said all public servants are strongly advised to become a role model to show good example by following important public health and social measures and requirements under the COVID-19 regulation under the State of Public Emergency.
“The Western PDC and the PDOC therefore call on every citizens and good people of Western Province to work together with WPG and provincial authorities to protect the province from this deadly COVID-19 and reduce the transmissions of COVID-19 on our shores,” he concluded.