Dear Editor – May I comment on this joint effort from APID and the local consultant or Representative Mr. Solomon Maua’s intention to operate in Rennell which has been challenged by the West Rennell Resource Owners Association as briefly outlined.
1. Asia Pacific Investment Development Ltd (APID), the applicant failed to comply with the provision of the Mines and Minerals Act.
2. The APID failed to comply and satisfy the terms and condition of its prospecting license.
3. APID failed to carry out proper consultation and negotiation with all land owners
4. The Landowners of ward 3, 4, 5 and 6 of west Rennell, Renbel Province, have been misled into providing their signatures for an act not altogether explained to them and so have denied signing any surface access agreement with APID for fulfilling the process of obtaining Prospecting License and a mining lease.
West Rennell Resource Owners Association Clarification
The Board is only mandated to advice the Minister through provision of facts relating to the responsibilities of an applicant under the Act and information supplied by an applicant in fulfilment of its obligation under the Act and any License or lease is lawfully hold
In carrying its advisory role, the Board is expected to do due diligent searches on the applicant and holding the applicant liable for any breaches of the Act.
The responsibility to protect the interest of landowners and land holding groups falls and squarely on the Board. The landowners in this case are complaining that they were not properly informed of what the applicant has done to its prospecting license.
It is the lawful duty of the Board to ensure that the information and dealings of the applicant in compliance with Act and the Licence.
The applicant has paid some money to the landowners and received signatures of the recipient but signatories do not know why they receiving such monies and placing their signature on plain sheet of papers. Therefore it is only prudent that the Board intervene and provide the necessary explanation to the Landowners and landholding groups.
The Landowners of ward 3, 4, 5 and 6 of west Rennell, where the West Rennell Resource Owners Association is representing have today deny signing any surface Access Agreement and deny receiving any fees or payments under any such agreement.
As you are well aware (Mr. Chairman) and your Board, the landowners who forced by (APID) representative (Solomon Maui) in 2008 Task Force have all revoked their signatories as per attach which some of them are Executive Members of West Rennell Resource Owners Association.
With those few brief explanation, I on behalf of Landowners of ward 3,4, 5 and 6 of West Rennell, Renbel Province, humbly appeal to your most responsible authority to please Terminate APID prospecting and Mining Lease Licenses once and for all.
The landowners of West Rennell are listening out right now to hear your positive response to our appeal – we are at your mercy.
Jonathan Tohuika
West Rennell Resource Owners Associations