You’ve seen the five stars embedded on the nation flag.
But did you know what they mean?
That’s the question local tour guides struggled with when they’re asked by tourists.
The issue came into light during a workshop facilitated by Destination Solomon’s and Travel Solomon’s last week at the Rock Haven conference room in Honiara.
A curious tour guide, Hendry Oimae, shared one of the frequently asked questions by tourists, “what did the five stars on your flag represent?”
He said from experience he always tell them that the five stars represented the five districts namely Central, Malaita, Western, Guadalcanal and Eastern Solomons.
But as we now know the five districts existed only during the colonial period and are no longer here today.
Destination Solomon’s travel officer Christopher Maelaua said this question should be considered by the government, and perhaps re-do the National flag.
He said other agents always face this question during tours which somehow led to confusions as we no longer have districts but nine provinces.
“Tour guides are the face of Solomon Islands and their answers to questions from tourists must be honest, meaningful, and reflective of our country.
On Wednesday 13, an International cruise liner MS Amsterdam with more than 1500 tourists will make a one day visit to capital Honiara.
This three-day workshop is purposely to train the selected tour guides, taxi drivers and ushers about their role during the visit.
Journalism student
Divine Word University