TSI: time to expose CDF for what it is
MORE than $1.3 billion were paid through Members of Parliament for constituency development in the last seven years, Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) has disclosed.
But little of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) transpired into real development on the ground, the watchdog agency stated on Tuesday.
From 2010 to 2016, TSI said each of the constituency received $27,410,922.32.
During the seven-year period, not counting 2017, TSI said the amount each province is paid are:
1. Choiseul Province – $82,232,766.96
2. Western Province – $246,698,300.48
3. Malaita Province – $383,752,912.48
4. Central Province – $54,821,844.64
5. Rennell/Bellona Province – $27,410,922.32
6. Guadalcanal Povince – $219,287,378.56
7. Honiara City – $82,232,766.96
8. Makira Province – $109,643,689.28
9. Temotu Province – $82,232,766.96
10. Isabel Province – $82,232,766.96
“We understand that Members of Parliament have changed in some constituencies but the majority of sitting members of Parliament in the 9th Parliament are still members and there are those who have been there,” TSI said in a statement.
“As we travel around the constituencies, water and sanitation are a major issue for the people as is most everything.
“Other social infrastructures in the community are from people’s own effort and sweat and other donors.
“We see very little that says funded and supported by CDF.
“We also acknowledge that some constituencies with new members are beginning to see positive changes and now participating in a small way to constituency development plans.
“In others we are given copies of policy of a sitting member clearly stating that only those who vote for the MP should receive CDF projects.
“Whilst these are lingering questions, the biggest question is where has all these money gone to and why is it not bringing about the desired outcomes?”
TSI said it is time now that people should expose the CDF Scheme for what it is and carry out detailed community audit to find out where has the funds meant for improvement of lives of our people gone and those who have been abusing the entrusted power given to them by the people be brought to justice or answer to citizens of this country.
“Transparency Solomon Islands is committed to evidence based advocacy to help empower our people to ensure that the gap we now see where the richer get richer, the poorer get poorer in every aspect of their lives.
“Let us work together to bring about socio-economic development in our country. There is money but for now it is spent on wasted efforts.
“We need to speak up and take action.”