The non-executive group with the Guadalcanal Provincial Government says they are tabling a motion against the Premier of Guadalcanal Province Francis Sade for a number of reasons.
In a statement on Sunday, the group stated one of the reasons is the premier has brought the Office of the Premier into disrepute by engaging in an illegal and wrongful act.
They claimed the incident took place last year and as a result, a customary reconciliation was conducted to restore the normal relationship between the Premier and the Office.
“This incident now forms part of the grounds for moving the motion against the Premier by the non-executive members of the Guadalcanal Provincial Assembly,” the group said.
In response to the Premier’s alleging that national leaders are behind the motion, the non-executive members of the Guadalcanal Provincial Assembly have defended the motion saying it is a check and balance against current leadership and is catered for under relevant laws and regulation.
The non-executive group also known as “Good Governance Grouping for a Greater Guadalcanal (or G5 for short) has reiterated that the motion against Premier Sade is provided for under the Provincial Government Act 1997 section 19(5).
The G5 group further added that the grounds for moving the motion have to be satisfied as required under Standing Order Part 6, section (108) (a), (b), and (c) of the Guadalcanal Provincial Assembly.
In compliance with the relevant standing order, the group outlined the motion stating that it comes in three categories; 1. gross misuse or neglect of the powers of the office of the premier and, 2. misappropriation of public funds, 3. any other grounds which may bring the office into serious disrepute.
The G5 group elaborated that under gross misuse or neglect of the powers of the office the current executive is exercising a “…selfish, self-serving process “…to award their own members amounts of money ahead of others; devoid of any form of transparency as to fair, equitable and just formula”.
The group further affirmed that the current executive has developed a self-serving attitude where the Premier’s discretionary funds is being used up at a quicker pace to fund executive members’ questionable requests. Non- executive members are left high and dry in this regard.
Other issues raised under the gross misuse or neglect of the powers of the office are lack of control on developments outside Honiara Town Boundary, dubious land dealing, general lack of activity and non-performance, lack of leadership to control Provincial Government and Provincial Administration.
The non-executive group or the G5 also raised the issue of misappropriation of public funds where the group highlighted evidence of non-payment of Ward Grants, waiver of development fees for Tina Hydropower scheme without consulting full assembly, undocumented revenue and expenditure, and non-compliance with PCDF financial instructions.
The G5 also pointed out that there are other grounds which may bring the office into serious disrepute evidence of which including there is lack of teamwork and cohesion with the executive and the Premier, gross neglect of executive MPAs who were sworn in as Ministers but whose office has been revoked by order of MPGIS.
The G5 further alleged that the other issue which may contribute to serious disrepute of the office is the gross neglect of working conditions of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).
The group also reaffirmed that the Premier’s questionable behavior in Office is a serious issue and this should warrant the Premier’s immediate removal.
The G5 group reiterated that those are the grounds for moving the motion against the Premier’s leadership and nothing is personal to warrant the Premier’s allegation that outside forces influenced the motion.
“The grounds for moving the motion stems from the Premier’s leadership and as mandated representatives of the people we have the right to take him to task over these issues,” the group stated.
“Such is the beauty of democracy where a leader’s position and discharge of duties is open to public scrutiny and as peoples’ representatives we have utilized the appropriate laws which give us the venue to hold the Premier accountable over these issues,” the group added.
The G5 group also deny the backing of loggers saying the Premier should pay attention to the number of fingers pointing back at him when he made that allegation.
Premier Sade fortnight ago welcomes the motion of no confidence against him.
And he is confident that the motion will be defeated
He said that a document containing the information as to why the motion is proposed are all mere personal grudges against his leadership.
He added there was no substantial thing that his government has done, but all personal grudges against his leadership.
Ten (10) Guadalcanal Provincial Assembly Executive Members have also signed a solidarity statement to confirm their support to Premier Sade.