THE MP Quan Wing Chun Kung Fu School in West Honiara Honiara will host its open day today Friday, March 18.
The open day program will be held at the Bishop Epalle School Hall, Rove, West Honiara.
It will give interested people to learn the Introduction to Wing Chun and all enquiries about Wing Chun.
Registrations are open and interested people can collect forms during the open day.
Females are strongly encouraged to attend and be part of this discipline
This Martial Arts helps to promote self discipline, Character building and Health.
Bishop Epalle Hall will now be the new venue where all Wing Chun Kung Fu classes will be held.
The Bishop Epalle Wing Chun School is part of the Koloale Wing Chun School.
MP Quan Wing Chun School has extended to Malaita Province in Auki and is expected to cover other provinces in the near future.
MP Quan Wing Chun Kung Fu School started way back 2010 instructed by Sifu MP Quan and Sifu Stephen Sipolo
It all started at Sipolo’s back yard then moved to the Honiara High Secondary school Hall in 2012.