MOTHERS union members from the Saint Luke Church-Kia Parish Diocese of Isabel and Saint Barnabas Provincial Cathedral of the Anglican Church of Melanesian has benefited from the CSSI and RSIPF joint educational awareness talk, facilitated by CSSI Commissioner Gabriel Manelusi and Sgt Robert Malo of the National Crime Prevention Department of the RSIPF at the St. Barnabas Cathedral in Honiara, Monday.
The joint educational awareness talk from CSSI and RSIPF presentation focus on Domestic Violence and drivers of crime that challenge our society today and how we together can prevent it so that our nation can be safe place to live and work.
Speaking during the presentation Sgt Robert Malo from the National Crime preventation Department (NCPD) of RSIPF told the mothers the Family Protection Act 2014 objects are to ensure the safety of protection of all persons who experience or witness domestic violence and to facilitate the issue and enforcement of police safety notices and protection orders to stop domestic violence
Sgt Malo also elaborated on domestic violence, domestic relationship, types of domestic, victims of domestic violence, effects on the victims and children, effects on children and cycle of violence for the mothers
Commissioner Gabriel Manelusi reminded Kia and Saint Barnabas mothers union members to abide to the three sources of law in their Church Mission to their families, Wards, Province and Nation. That we must all adhered to the basics of the Divine Law (Holy Bible), Customary Law and the Constitution Law.
Successful families, Wards, Province or Country are normally those who live and adhered to these three basic principles under the Grace of God.
Commissioner CSSI challenge the Saint Barnabas and Kia Mothers Union members that our Nation Solomon Islands needs us to fight against how we together prevent illegal behaviours in our respective families, Wards and Province, the root drivers of crime such as, family violence, issues affecting youth, alcohol and drugs, environment and resources and other emerging issues so that we grow our nation Solomon Islands in nation building safe and peaceful environment as we once called the Happy Isles.
Beside these our nation has been faced with COVID 19 pandemic globally which is extra challenge in our families, provinces and nation.
Mr. Manelusi informed Mothers Union members the behavioural changes in our villages, province and nations is a challenge, which we all need to stand strong collaboration together in our respective areas of work that we have been entrusted to grow our children and our peoples individual needs whether counselling or advice to engage our young youth more on farming, small business, crafts, mat sewing etc. in our respective villages.
Commissioner also re-enforced to the members of the mothers union to redirect your leadership and mission during the challenge of COVID19 pandemic target our family homes in basic teaching of discipleship, mothering and the language you use must be a healing for our children and client that you deal with.
Commissioner Manelusi thanked the Archbishop of the Church of Melanesian and Diocesan bishops for Central Melanesian and Isabel for consent to allow this event to happen within the growth of the Church hoisted within Central Melanesian. He acknowledged the Leaders and the women of St. Barnabas Cathedral/ Kia Mothers Union for jointly hosting this event with the powerful theme “Rebuilding hope and confidence in the midst of challenges of COVID 19 and invited CSSI and RSIPF to do presentation to this important event.
In response to the Commissioner, Kia MU representation Mrs Annett Ofu acknowledged Commissioner Manelusi and Sgt Malo for the great educational awareness information for mothers and how we can share responsibility together.
– CSSI Press