The Solomon Islands national statistics office has conducted a workshop to review the first draft report of the first gender monograph.
The draft report is the first of its kind put together in the country.
It was one analysis prepared base on the census data.
The gender monograph work was funded by the United Nation Population Fund [UNFPA].
The workshop was attended by stakeholders from different ministries and development partners in the country, including the statistical consultant by UNFPA, Jessica Gardner.
The workshop was mainly to review the draft by discussing key findings to date and to get feedback from the stakeholders.
Douglas Kimi, the Solomon Island government statistician said the purpose of workshop was to get feedbacks from the stakeholders on the draft report.
He said the feedbacks they get from the ministries and the development partners will be incorporated to improve the usefulness of the report in the country.
The final Gender report will be finalized and launch in October this year.
Mr Kimi the gender monographs is one of the new initiatives that is available from the census data.
Statistic consultant Jessica Gardner said after presenting the findings of the draft report, awareness should be conducted.
Mrs Gardner said it is the right of the people of this nation to know what else is possible with the wealth of information from census data.
“Also the gender monograph produced will help the government to make informed decision.”
By Joanna Frances