Four of the Youth@Work Young Entrepreneurs have received materials to help them get their businesses off the ground last week after having gone through a series of basic business trainings.
“These young men are very positive and enthusiastic about their business ideas and plans,” says Daniel, the Y@W officer responsible for Youth Entrepreneurs.
All of them are happy to have received their materials and are keen to start their businesses right away.
An enthusiastic 22 year old Leonard said, he sees a need in his community. “People in my community have always gone to places far from where they live to pay for Top Up credits for their phones. I decided to be a Top Up agent, in that way I can earn money and help them at the same time.”
Another recipient, Hendry Oge, says he is keen to sell freshly cut up fruits. “I see that in my community there are a lot of children and I think during hot days it would be good for them to come and buy fruits at my stall. Besides I feel comfortable doing this and I am happy that the SPC Youth@Work has made a way for me to start up my business.”
Along with the items the youth received, they were also given forms to help them keep their records and also for monitoring purposes. There will be visits made to see how the young entrepreneurs are doing so they can be assisted to ensure that they are on track.
Youth@Work Coordinator, Ms Martin, says there will be further trainings organised for the youth such as book-keeping and also mentoring sessions from local business owners.
Youth@Work would also like to acknowledge the assistance of the staff from the Industries and Business Development Divisions of the Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour and Immigration, Mr. Martin Hoasihere and Lionald Tarairamo for supporting the youth with their business plans.
Youth@Work is facilitated by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, in partnership and supported by funding from the Queens Young Leaders Programme (UK), the Australian Government Aid Programme, the Pacific Leadership Programme and Plan International. Implementation is done in partnership with the Solomon Islands Ministry of National Unity, Peace and Reconciliation, the Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour and Immigration, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs. Youth@Work is an initiative to tackle youth unemployment in Solomon Islands and to help youth of the Solomon find pathways to employment and entrepreneurship.