In the picturesque town of Gizo western provincial capital, where resilience flows as freely as the sea breeze, young people are rising above challenges to craft productive futures.
Among them is 34-year-old Hence Ghoni, a beacon of hope for his peers in Paelonge, West Gizo’s Simboro community.
Life in the Solomon Islands often comes with hurdles, economic uncertainty, limited opportunities, and societal pressures that weigh heavily on youth seeking a brighter future. But amidst these struggles, Hence’s story stands out as a testament to perseverance and ingenuity.
Despite his humble beginnings, hence who hails from Simbo, Roviana and Choiseul Province has refused to let adversity define him. After completing Form 3 in 2010 in Gizo, financial hardships forced him to halt his formal education.
However, hence found alternative pathways to success, starting with his involvement in the Youth@Work program in 2016-2017, which helps young people find employment or start businesses.
“It’s not easy,” he shared in an interview with Solomon Star this week. “But I know that with hard work, I can achieve something for my family and myself.”
Through Youth@Work and studying business courses at the Pacific Community (SPC), Hence gained valuable skills that fueled his aspirations which also able to support his family with small money he earned.
He also joined other smaller trainings organized by other Non-Government Organization (NGOs) at the Women Centre Resources in Gizo, the Family Support Centre, working close with his community and the Western Solomon Surfing Association (WSSA).
His community is well known for its best surfing sport in the pacific and internationally recognized by professional surfers from Billabong and Rip Curl from the overseas.
His journey exemplifies the innovative spirit of youth in the Western Province, many of whom are finding ways to overcome barriers and make meaningful contributions to their communities.
Recognizing the struggles faced by young people, programs like the Gels Tekem Akson Lo Climate Change (GTACC) project have stepped in to bridge the gap. Launched in 2023, GTACC focuses primarily on empowering young girls in climate action but also extends support to boys, encouraging them to engage in community-driven initiatives.
Funded by the German National Office through Plan International Pacific and implemented by the Solomon Islands National Youth Congress (SINYC), GTACC continues to spark change, one community at a time.
“The potential of our youth is immense. They just need the right tools and encouragement to unlock it,” Hence said.
GTACC has targeted seven communities in the Western Province, including Gizo town, Simboro (West Gizo), Nusabaruku, Rarumana, and other local areas.
Hence has played a pivotal role in his community’s involvement, serving as current Chairman of Simboro and representing Paelonge.
“This project has been a huge help for me and my peers in our community.
“Their programs guide us to make better decisions, be productive, and become respectable individuals,’’ he said.
The Simboro community has fully embraced the GTACC initiative, with over 30 youths actively participating.
According to Hence, the program has broadened their perspectives, helping them see opportunities for growth and development in new ways.
Currently, Simboro community is gearing up for its ambitious new endeavor—a Fishery Project. Proposed by the community and slated to launch in June, the project will include the construction of a fish storage facility.
“The Fishery Project will allow us to store fish caught by individuals in our community, sell them locally, and even send them to markets in Honiara,” Hence explained.
“This initiative will not only provide income but also elevate our community to a higher standard,’’ he adds.
‘’At the moment we are still working close with Germany who funded this project with the National Youth Congress in Honiara,’’ he added.
For Hence, thriving is not just about personal success; it is about uplifting his community and inspiring others to rise above limitations.
He encourages young people across the Solomon Islands to set goals, work hard, and strive to make a positive impact for future generations.
“Have vision and aim for something bigger—not just for yourself but for your family and those who will come after you,” he urged.
By Ulutah Gina
Solomon Star, Gizo