A WEEKLONG Regional Quarterly Youth Empowerment Service camporee for the Adventist Western Sub-Region was successfully held at Patovaki camp ground in Kukudu, Kolombangara, Western Province.
Organized by the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church, the program was held from 6 to 12 October.
The program brought together close to 2000 Master Guides, Youth Leaders, Councillors and Youth members from Marovo to Shortlands in the Western Province and across Choiseul Province for a week of spiritual enrichment.
For the duration of the camp program, most of the participants camped in their tents along the coast near the Kukudu headquarter.

The theme for the program was; ‘I will Go to Influence in the Spirit and Power of Elijah.’
The guest speaker was Pastor Bruce Likaveke from the Solomon Islands Mission (SIM).
It was an exciting time for all registered participants as they were able to learn from the facilitators and listen to God’s Word.
The participants were divided into two groups – Master Guides and Senior Youth Leaders to join the sessions.
For the Master Guides, their session covered topics related to camping skills, knot tying, drill down-marching, good communication skills, first aid training and creativity in youth ministry.

Various sessions and talks were also conducted for them each day.
During the night, they were challenged with the Word of God to strength their faith as they work to bring back youths that wandered from the church.
For that week, Pr Likaveke based his presentation on the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation and encouraged the participants to use those scriptures, applying them to the current situation in order to share God’s Word with youths who have gone astray to get them back to church.

One of the participants and mentors from Gizo Island who attended the program, Lelo Rex said she enjoyed the program.
She said the program highlighted the importance of having the Holy Spirit in one’s heart in order to influence youths back into the church.
“It’s important for youth leaders to embrace, involve and encourage our youths in the communities back into the church,” Ms Rex added.
Another youth mentor Andrew Norman, who attended the Digital Discipleship training, said given the changing landscape where technology is in the hands of everyone, it is important to use the social media to influence and encourage youths to follow the right path.

Other youths said they enjoyed the morning and evening devotions, including the raising and lowering of the flags.
Some said they enjoyed the marching drill sessions and the various singing sessions by the different island groups.
Some of the participants also took advantage of the program to sell their weaved artefacts.
A spiritual concert was held on Saturday night 12th October to conclude the program.