YOUTHS in Honiara wind up celebrations marking International Youth Day in style, Tuesday night.
Youths taking part in the event showcased their talents in singing and dancing as the celebrations come to its close.
Despite technical problems faced by the committee, the programme continued undisrupted to the end.
One of the youths Charlie Leua said he was happy to be part of the celebrations, adding he enjoyed every bit of it.
“I hope that the next celebration will allow youths in the provinces to participate with those in the Honiara,” Mr Leua said.
“As youths we want everyone to have the same enjoyment. And we hope that government will continue to support this type of events in years to come.”
Honiara City Council’s youth development officer Mary Jionisi said the programme was a success.
“The youths have the chance to express their level of understanding of their roles in the homes, schools and the country,” Ms Jionisi said.
“They displayed respect and made use of the opportunity to celebrate the world youth day,” she said.