RECENT support openly declared by the Western Province (WP) Premier David Gina has prompted concerned youths of Western province to request an open dialog with provincial Government representatives.
Hand delivering a letter to the Premier’s office on Thursday, WP Caucus members requested a dialog with the Premier to allow themselves and the public to fully understand the motives behind the declaration of WP’s support towards Mainland China in the media.
Speaking to this paper, Ms Hinima Charles said that though the decision of political ties has already been made by national leaders and supported by the WPG, they do not intend to change what cannot be undone but merely seek clarification on the matter.
“We the youth and future leaders of the nation are seeking above all a chance to understand what is happening to our country and our province,” Hinima explained.
Hinima says rather than surrender to the ranting of public discussions that often has an amount of truth to it, accurate information can be drowned in a sea of misinformation and gossip.
“We wish to approach the situation another way in which we feel is appropriate and fair to our-selves and our provincial government and this can only be accomplished through an open dialog.”
Hinima continues to speak on the importance of informing the public especially on highly publicized issues as the China and Taiwan diplomatic ties matter that has over taken the country via the main stream media and other platforms.
The categorisation of youths place young men and women between the ages of 15 and 35 years old in the youth class and being a wide demographic age range of age shows today’s youth to make up a majority of constituency and ward voters.
“Any dialog granted by the WPG would show the value they have for the support of its people through information transparency illustrating the direction in which our provincial government is leading and in turn the Western province is heading,” Hinima concluded.
At the time youth representatives visited the WPG building to deliver its letter of request the WP Premier David Gina and the Permanent Secretary to the WP were not available but expect to address the issue and request when they return.
In Gizo